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      Updates - Lippincott#17 & ESTIS Gravel Pack

      Updates - Lippincott#17 & ESTIS Gravel Pack

      Hello All.

      ESTIS - Lease - Gravel Pack status

      The Latest is, Dean was to have pulled the #2 well to replace a joint of tubing and hang

      the well back on to see if we can get a load of oil out this month. Then, today before the

      big rain later today, move the rig back to the 3 well and finish GP.

      I have not received photos or video and Sam is reminded to do so.

      Our future buyet of all crude oil produced will be Truth Resources LLC Click her to read more

      Lippincott#17 status update:

      We have 10 well hooked up to our tanks, production has been og off for some time now since we have not be able to get a steady buyer of out crude oil to come out to the lease and empty our tanks, this has now been resolved and Truth Resources LLC (see link above) will be buying all crude oil from us, paperwork is being done and should if all goes well be done by end week. Then we will await when they can come pick up oil, first on the list is all the oil stored out on the Lippincott#17, as investors have been waiting a long time for this  to happen.

      As soon as we get a pick up date, we will post it on the website.


      EnerGyne Resources