MESOFI GROUP / TXEP FUELS - important updates
From Anthony Martinez/TXEP meeting with MESOFI yesterday. 31-5-21
It was a long day but I think we are on track. They have been waiting on the Corp to be approved which takes 2-3 weeks but looks like they will have there paperwork by Thursday.
They did not give me a check what they owed me but they did show me their financials which was confirmed by the bank as well so they good on that stand point. They promised me they would wire the funds they owe me Friday and they plan on investors as well. If I get it right away I will let you know that same day to expect wires in next few days or not.
It's my understanding that they have a partner that is also involved so they have been squaring that away between them self which was the reason for no update for y'all or me but these guys really have a lot of money and showed me their plans for the fields which they will implement a fire flood program like Exxon did years ago. Initial fire flood program will make the field yield upwards of 250-300bbl a day which is amazing if you ask me. With the price of oil and premium they will be put on the map as they biggest producer of shallow heavy reserves.
I know the investors have been upset with the updates but I think they will be happy with the results they will be getting as they start implementing the program. I will be much a part of it as their operations manager but not till the field is up and running on the fire flood program. If they can prove it and even make half of the production they are claiming investors will be paid their investors in less than a year. It's my understanding they will be reaching out investors this week.
As for Stockard I'll be reaching out to investors tomorrow about making the switch the new field I'm taking over. Everything should be on track in these next week or so.
Note from EnerGyne Resources to the Stockard reply:
This possibility of transfer to another project at no cost to the investor is 100% coordinated with Anthony Martinez, as we have made counterclaims as compensation to EnerGyne Resources, which Anthony will not enter, therefore he has stated that he himself controls the process, we have, however informed him that he must state all the reasons why he had to give up the lease and and what compensation he will give the customers who are in the Stockard project, now that they have not made money for almost 6 months.
We await and see his offer to all customers in this project.
EnerGyne Resources