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      Lippincott#17 - Project update - working on 4 wells in total

      Lippincott#17 - Project update - working on 4 wells in total

      General Field Report:

      We are back with good weather and progress is starting to show. Attached are two photos of

      the McKeever well with it's newly installed submersible pumping system. We have placed another

      submersible system in the Cox 2, 10, Mckeever 3 and 6. Electrical is the next step on these wells and

      should have Mckeever and Cox 2 finished next week.

      We have run a short test on McKeever 3 at various speeds and run perfectly. Should make our

      goal of 20 bofd and have a nice 60% oil cut....Need to turn speed down to get down to our 9 bopd rate

      for tax purposes. We should be approved to produce from the state within the week.

      I will keep you posted and hope the weather will remain good. 


      Pete Lippincott

      Houston Energy Resources, LLC