Important update from TXEP FUELS - change of management
For all
Then things have changed, Anthony has retired due to illness and lack of overview. His brother Ricky Martinez, who is educated in finance and administration, also knows about field work. Has taken the helm, and is in the process of cleaning up .
Ricky was really only supposed to handle activities in a company he has made with a focus on refining oil products, but to save TXEP and Anthony from a lot of hassle, he has, as I said, taken the helm to get things sorted out.
He has requested that the following items be returned from each investor so that he can have all systems updated to hand standard.
1st copy of your contracts with TXEP
2. I contact information, name, address, phone, etc.
3. valid email address
So to all get sent the things over he demands, as soon as possible so we can get on with things.
You can not send to the old TXEP mail, this has been disconnected from the trade that went in the sink with MESOFI a while ago.
You must send all the information to Ricky Martinez
His email is send to each investor own email adress.It's been a bit of a bumpy ride with TXEP and Anthony so far, and we have to hope Ricky Martinez has a better overview of things than his brother. We also believe that Anthony and his brother have been aware that things started to escalate both with our complaint to the authorities as well as, our dialogue with with several American contacts we have had in connection with our case with them, and which could give Anthony great problems.
When Ricke M. has your data, he sends out an update to you about your projects and the plans for these.
We are like pitbulls when we have bitten, we do not let go again we represent all of you and ourselves.
Thanks in advance
EnerGyne Resources