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      H.E.R. _ Pete Lippincott - Project update - ESTIS/White

      H.E.R. _ Pete Lippincott - Project update - ESTIS/White

      This will be to the point and short..

      We finally received operator transfer approval from the state and

      should be completed within the next few days. Morgan, hopefully will be

      at Estis lease today or tomorrow afternoon a rig repair to fix the SWD well

      and begin GP of the #3 well.

      I would like to apologize for this long delay from Sam being a incompetent operator

      who has dug himself into a huge hole and drugged us with him until now. Cost me

      a lot of money to get us clear of Sam.

      Larry is ready to GP and hope to have it completed soon.

      Will give you an update asap. It Was extremely hot at 116 degrees with heat index.

