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      ESTIS#1 NEWS - Houston Energy Resources inc. - Pete Lippincott

      ESTIS#1 NEWS - Houston Energy Resources inc. - Pete Lippincott

      Report May 26th. 


      We are waiting for the rig crew to finish a well before coming

      back to us. Fishing tool to latch onto the old screen is in and ready to go. After

      screen is out, we start GP procedures.

      This is the latest update.


      Direct all questions to me from now on. Sam is out and Morgan is the general

      field and well operator. We should see better streamline operations now and will

      let you know on all progress.



      Reports as of June 6th

      The rig operator is supposedly out of the hospital and

      be bsck on the Estis tomorrow after a 3 week delay. If he

      is not able to work, we will hire another rig to complete

      our well. This is very aggravating and will we will move forward


       I will let you know when we are pumping.

      And, update you as GP is proceeding.
